Free Pre-K: How Cities are Growing and Funding High Quality Programs

Free Pre-K: How Cities are Growing and Funding High Quality Programs

From new property taxes to a so-called “soda tax,” U.S. cities have found creative ways to fund and grow free, high quality preschool programs. Now families – and researchers – are reporting on the personal and academic benefits of those programs for local children.

We welcome Shante` Brown (Director of Operations, PHLpreK), Milagros Nores (Research Co-Director, NIEER) and Phil Sirinides (Senior Research Specialist, CPRE) to discuss two growing programs in Seattle and Philadelphia, and their unique approaches to fostering quality and improving access.

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Interviewer: Philip Sirinides, Senior Research Specialist, CPRE

Interviewees: Shante` Brown, Director of Operations, PHLpreK; Milagros Nores, Co-Director of Research, National Institute for Early Education Research