Teacher Education

Diane Ravitch, educational historian and activist, joins the Klonsky Brothers on Hitting Left and Mario Smith - host of Lumpen Radio's News From the Service Entrance for an hour talk[...]


Diane Ravitch has been called a hero in her dedication to preserving public school education. In this episode of The Literary Life with Mitchell Kaplan, Diane Ravitch joins Mitchell to[...]


About the Lecture: This lecture will challenge federal and state policies that require evaluation of teacher education programs and classroom teachers by means of students’ scores on standardized tests. Despite[...]

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SUBSCRIBE 24K Watch video of Elliot W. Eisner, Lee Jacks Professor of Education and professor of art at Stanford University, speaking in September 2006 on "What Do the Arts Teach?"[...]

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SUBSCRIBE 7.3K "To New Teachers" is a video collage featuring Maxine Greene, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Education at Teachers College, urging new teachers "to think about what they are[...]

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Furman, Cara E. & Traugh, Cecelia E. Descriptive Inquiry in Teacher Practice: Cultivating Practice Wisdom to Create Democratic Schools. New York: Teachers College Press, 2021. This book is must reading[...]


In this think piece, Dr. Megan Reister explores connections between the concept of scholar-practitioner and a self-initiated learning community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, professors at six institutions collaborated to provide[...]

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Loyola University Maryland’s Center for Innovation in Urban Education welcomed author and professor Gloria Ladson-Billings, Ph.D, for “Hip Hop/Hip Hope: Reinventing Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” on Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014.

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Gloria Ladson-Billings challenges the educational research in school and classroom practice claiming that the current fixation on what we call the achievement gap is misguided and misplaced.  

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Gloria Ladson-Billings, Ph.D., Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison, presents "Getting Serious about Education: Culturally Relevant Teaching for New Century Students," part of the John M. Wozniak[...]

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Gloria Ladson-Billings explicates her work on Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. She argues that CRP rests on the following three propositions: academic achievement or student learning, cultural competence, and socio-political consciousness. Her[...]

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I am currently reading Diane Ravitch's book Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools. I was wondering if anyone else is reading[...]


  I received an email from a young woman who I taught in a teacher preparation program and who is now in her first year of teaching. She said she[...]


Santoro, Doris A. & Cain, Lizabeth. Principled Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas. Harvard Education Press, 2018. This book is must reading for any teacher or administrator who is feeling beleaguered[...]


From Moment to Meaning Piantanida, M., Llewellyn, M.J., McMahon, P.L. From Moment to Meaning: The Art of Scholar-Practitioner Inquiry. (Pittsburgh, Learning Moments Press, 2020). This book is grounded in the[...]


Piantanida, Maria. A Call to Learning: From Resistance to Engagement. Pittsburgh: Learning Moments Press, 2020. A Call to Learning “When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the[...]
