Leticia Harshman holds a Master's of Arts in Teaching and teaches secondary English. She responded to the Nexus S-P Conversations blog post calling for teachers to share their experience of[...]

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Wendy Milnes, an elementary art teacher, responded the S-P Conversation blog calling for teachers to share their experiences of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to sharing her thoughts[...]

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We are grateful to everyone who shared their experiences and thoughts about coping with the COVID induced challenges as the school year wound down. Now, with the beginning of a[...]


From Moment to Meaning Piantanida, M., Llewellyn, M.J., McMahon, P.L. From Moment to Meaning: The Art of Scholar-Practitioner Inquiry. (Pittsburgh, Learning Moments Press, 2020). This book is grounded in the[...]
