Diane Ravitch, educational historian and activist, joins the Klonsky Brothers on Hitting Left and Mario Smith - host of Lumpen Radio's News From the Service Entrance for an hour talk[...]


Diane Ravitch has been called a hero in her dedication to preserving public school education. In this episode of The Literary Life with Mitchell Kaplan, Diane Ravitch joins Mitchell to[...]


Educators are experiencing metrics mania, the overvalued use of numbers to gauge and measure complex social phenomena that results in oversimplified understandings and unintended consequences. This short read provides a[...]

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I am currently reading Diane Ravitch's book Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools. I was wondering if anyone else is reading[...]


Tananis, Cynthia A., editor. An Invitation to Study Group: A Collection of Think Pieces. Pittsburgh: Learning Moments Press, 2020. Invitation to Study Group When individuals enter a university, they enter[...]
