Diane Ravitch, educational historian and activist, joins the Klonsky Brothers on Hitting Left and Mario Smith - host of Lumpen Radio's News From the Service Entrance for an hour talk[...]
Diane Ravitch has been called a hero in her dedication to preserving public school education. In this episode of The Literary Life with Mitchell Kaplan, Diane Ravitch joins Mitchell to[...]
Educational policy makers, philanthropic foundations, and school reformers have struggled for years with the difficulty of improving the quality of public education, especially among the most economically distressed districts. In[...]
This article offers a useful perspective on the historical roots of the dissertation and argues that it is a specific and, in many ways, a unique genre of writing. The[...]
Connelly and Clandinin were among the first educational researchers to advocate for the legitimacy of narrative inquiry. This article is still relevant for those who are just beginning to[...]
A great deal of folklore circulates among doctoral students who are looking for information on how to successful negotiate the dissertation process. One bit of common wisdom focuses on the[...]
A Celebration of Maxine Greene On October 6th, in the Cowin Conference Center, TC held a memorial celebration of the life of Professor Emerita Maxine Greene, who died in May[...]
Grounded theory was and continues to be a popular form of qualitative research. In part, the appeal of grounded theory is that it has fairly explicit and rigorous procedures for[...]
When the word "research" is mentioned, the importance of objectivity often comes immediately to mind. In fact, for centuries "objectivity" has been assumed to be a hallmark of legitimate research[...]
Voices of a People's History of the United States The collaboration between Lincoln Center, the Maxine Greene High School for Imaginative Inquiry (NYC), and Voices of a People's History of[...]
Practice embedded research most often takes the form of interpretive inquiry. It is not unusual for new comers to this paradigm to struggle with how it differs from traditional scientific[...]
In spite of this article’s title, the conversation about the nature of educational inquiry continues. However, when educators first began to engage in qualitative research, there was a great deal[...]
Leticia Harshman holds a Master's of Arts in Teaching and teaches secondary English. She responded to the Nexus S-P Conversations blog post calling for teachers to share their experience of[...]
Welcome to the Scholar-Practitioner Nexus. This website is an outgrowth of our book, On Being a Scholar-Practitioner: Wisdom in Action. In the book, we stress the importance of Communities of[...]
The S-P Nexus Store is now open with items that feature mazes created by Joe Wos, nationally acclaimed cartoonist and maze maker. We commissioned Joe to create mazes that would[...]
Wendy Milnes, an elementary art teacher, responded the S-P Conversation blog calling for teachers to share their experiences of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to sharing her thoughts[...]
Hacker, Andrew & Dreifus, Claudia. Higher Education? How Colleges are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids--And What We Can Do about It. New York: Times Books, 2010. Higher Education?[...]
We are grateful to everyone who shared their experiences and thoughts about coping with the COVID induced challenges as the school year wound down. Now, with the beginning of a[...]
In this think piece, Dr. Megan Reister explores connections between the concept of scholar-practitioner and a self-initiated learning community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, professors at six institutions collaborated to provide[...]
Jack, Anthony Abraham. The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges are Failing Disadvantaged Students. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. The Privileged Poor Anthony Jack begins by acknowledging that elite universities[...]
Gloria Ladson-Billings challenges the educational research in school and classroom practice claiming that the current fixation on what we call the achievement gap is misguided and misplaced.
Educators are experiencing metrics mania, the overvalued use of numbers to gauge and measure complex social phenomena that results in oversimplified understandings and unintended consequences. This short read provides a[...]